Out Of The Crisis
Applying W. Edwards Deming Management To Small Business
Alexandre's Market
By louis
Published: May 9, 2007
Could this example have any applications today?
View Comments (4)
- July 5, 2007
Hi Kaye,
I'm sorry for not responding sooner, I must have overlooked your post. I often think about Mr. Alexandre and all of the great folks like him. I was truly blessed to have known so many great people. Simple and unpretentious, yet wise, kind and knowing. These folks gave so much and asked so little. In my opinion, these were the Greatest Generation.
While Mr. Alexandre could never be replaced, life went on, much unchanged. Primarily I feel this due to the abundance of others who were equally great, only in different ways. Surely time has changed things, yet they will long remain the same, in my mind. Thanks Kaye, I appreciate your comments.
- May 20, 2007
Hi there..., would you tell us how your town changed after this man's demise??? Was he an integural part of the community he served?? Is he still missed today by those who knew him?? Was he an icon of his own era?? Also does this point out that we may be the cause of our own situations and dilemas???
Best Regards,
- May 11, 2007
Hi Matt,
I think it’s true our society tends to focus more on short-term benefit than long-term success. It may be inherent in our nature, we want what we want, right now. Experience teaches this is often not in our own best interest. Fortunately, we can overcome this basic desire and greatly increase our chances of success.
Thinking longer term requires discipline and a belief in the future [knowledge?] I think an enlightened business provides value to clients because they realize it is in their own best interest to do so. Providing value increases the chances of future opportunities to be of service.
Unfortunately many [most] of our reward systems are geared to quick results. I believe this is to the detriment of long-term success, and one thing a business must address to overcome this obstacle. Thank you very much for the comment.
- May 11, 2007
How did our society get away from providing value in favor of "scheming" profit more on less investment; in material, workmanship, and effort? Did our society ever stress value?
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