By louis
Published: June 1, 2007
Bob sees himself as the voice of authority, "Do it this way because I say so." John sees himself as someone who enables, "What do you need to best get this done?" * Bob sees himself as an enforcer of rules. John sees himself as a problem resolver and support for his people. * Bob thinks he deserves respect because of his position. John has earned respect because of his ability. * Bob often ends up doing things himself because he wants it done "his way." John gets great results by allowing others to use their talents. * Bob manages every detail, usually telling people how to do things. John provides the means, training, and time necessary and is available if needed. * Bob comes in late, and often leaves early, after all, rank has it's privileges. John sets the example, and puts what is best for all ahead of his personal desires. * Bob's employees do what he says, as long as he stands over them. John's employees do their best because they realize it's in everyone's best interest. * Bob's employees are often at odds with one another and Bob. John's employees like and respect one another and John. * Bob's employees use "this company" and "them" when referring to the job. John's employees use "our company" and "us" when referring to their job. * Bob is often angry and frustrated, largely because of the people. John enjoys his work, largely because of the people. * Bob is a boss. John is a leader.
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