Joined: 15 May 2007 Posts: 774 Location: Baton Rouge, LA
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 9:08 am Post subject: Why 2009 Will Be The Best Year Ever, For Some
It is difficult to find really good news in the media today. Rather the harbingers of dispair seem to delight in reporting every nuance of doom and gloom. While the economic news may be bleak, this does not mean any individual business need be affected. The odds of a given football team beating another may not be good. Yet as we have seen all to often the outcome depends on the will, spirit and operation of the individual team, not the odds.
When all around you are losing their heads . . . I feel great opportunity exist for those businesses that of long-term focused. Seeing bad news for what it is, someone’s opinion of the current situation and not destiny, can help. All things past and quality endures. This is the time to increase quality, increase productivity and increase value in our products and services.
People exposed to continual bad news are more likely to seek higher value for their money. Demonstrate that you are that choice.
People are increasing becoming fed up with low quality, that inevitably cost them far more.
Clients are more likely to frequent lower cost alternatives as opposed to lower price. For instance repair a vehicle rather than buy a new one.
Providers of goods and services used by a business are more likely to provide higher value, when requested. Volume purchases, discounted equipment prices, extra services bundled with purchases, to name a few.
The competition that does not do these thing will be at a distinct disadvantage to those who do.
Businesses based on sound management principle [Deming’s philosophy] may now be in a position to dominate their markets, even more than ever before. Just as Toyota has continued to rise in stature, size and profitability over time. Month to month variation is meaningless their trend is inevitably and steadily upward. Such businesses have become pockets of excellence in a sea of mediocrity. Clients know the difference.
Joined: 06 Dec 2008 Posts: 12 Location: Dallas, TX, USA
Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 8:52 pm Post subject:
After you were nice enough to give me a tour of your shop and I met and spoke with your staff, I am beginning to understand. I always felt I had management pretty well figured out I understand theres a lot more to learn now. If anyone will have a great 2009, I think it will be you, thanks again.
_________________ Fred Reece
Business Owner/Consultant
Dallas, TX, USA
Joined: 15 May 2007 Posts: 774 Location: Baton Rouge, LA
Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 1:50 pm Post subject:
Fred Reece wrote:
After you were nice enough to give me a tour of your shop and I met and spoke with your staff, I am beginning to understand. I always felt I had management pretty well figured out I understand theres a lot more to learn now. If anyone will have a great 2009, I think it will be you, thanks again.
Hi Fred,
You are quite welcome, we enjoyed having you. Please keep in touch.
Joined: 19 Jun 2008 Posts: 2 Location: Kennett Square, PA, USA
Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 5:07 am Post subject: Selling quality to new faces coming in the door
Louis, I have put into practice the 14 points thanks to YOU and this network. Yesterdays shop meeting was about new faces finding us.
I want to learn how to convey to a new face at the counter how the quality and value we provide will benefit them in a way that makes them want to have us perform the repairs they need.
We have 7 repair shops within one mile on the same street and they all advertise discounted services, not one provides value.
Thanks in advance, Hal
_________________ Hal Lewis
H & R Auto Service
Kennett Square, PA, USA
Joined: 15 May 2007 Posts: 774 Location: Baton Rouge, LA
Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 3:01 pm Post subject: Re: Selling quality to new faces coming in the door
Hal wrote:
Louis, I have put into practice the 14 points thanks to YOU and this network. Yesterdays shop meeting was about new faces finding us.
I want to learn how to convey to a new face at the counter how the quality and value we provide will benefit them in a way that makes them want to have us perform the repairs they need.
We have 7 repair shops within one mile on the same street and they all advertise discounted services, not one provides value.
Thanks in advance, Hal
Hi Hal,
Thanks for the question. I would bet your company already does a good job at conveying value and that’s why the new faces are there. I believe value becomes sort of self-evident in a Deming based company. For instance, people refer others to you, not because of the Deming philosophy. Client refer other clients because they are pleased with the service you provide [a result of the Deming philosophy.] Clients buy because your prices are fair. Fair prices are a result of making a fair profit at a price lower than others, because your price is not loaded with non-value added cost.
Much marketing today appears to me to be based on the theory that people are simple minded. It promises all sorts of things that are never delivered. Rather, I feel marketing needs to be based on the theory that people are quite clever. They are masters at finding things that are in their own best interest, regardless of promises. This frustrates low-value companies but I feel is the bases of high-value companies.
Here’s a link to a more specific answer on what I feel works in demonstrating quality of a service, before it is rendered.
Joined: 04 Sep 2007 Posts: 47 Location: Grand Rapids, MI, USA
Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 10:01 am Post subject:
Eric J. wrote:
What is your reliance on the new adminstration to make 2009 a better year?
In my opinion, the current description of the new administration is that they are "Pretty much clueless and along for the ride...hanging on by their fingertips". They are likely to be "rolled" by those in power financially and politically. There is little that they can really do...and they are not about to do the few things they could do that would help...instead they are far more likely to only make things worse.
Any "real business" (other than the selected bailed out group) looking to DC to make things better is about to be severely disappointed.
_________________ Tom Ham - Hams Management Systems
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